Plan capacity

Capacity planning that keeps workloads balanced

Get a complete view of everyone’s capacity and availability, including time off, to prevent burnout.

An fullscreen visual of the Float Schedule that features all time off, as well as utilization indicators and and over-capacity warning.
An fullscreen visual of the Float Schedule that features all time off, as well as utilization indicators and and over-capacity warning.

Bet your spreadsheet won’t flag it

Spreadsheets show tables, not available time. The capacity planning features in Float can help you quickly spot conflicts so no one is double-booked or overworked.

How Float Works

Built to be the single source of truth for capacity and scheduled work

A zoomed in image of a single allocation on the Float schedule with information on utilization indicators and over capacity warnings

Live capacity tracking

See utilization indicators and over-capacity alerts to keep workloads balanced—so no one gets booked while they’re off!

A modal that shows you that you can set up people as full-time or part-time employees in Float, track their workdays, and also set the number of hours they work per day.

Availability settings

Keep a database of individual working hours and days (full-time or part-time) so your people are only allocated when they’re available.

Two modals where one shows the global holiday calendar settings in Float and the other shows time off settings and leave balances in Float.

Time off management

Simplify leave management with custom policies, approval workflows, and auto-assigned regional holidays.

Two modals, one that shows you how to add employee details like roles, skills, and hourly rate. The second modal shows you that you can have an entire database of employees organized by department and job title alongside skills and location tags.

Customized team setups

Standardize roles with default billable rates. Add custom tags for location, skills, seniority, and other relevant information so the right person for the job is only a filter away.

Float is really flexible. You can block out half or a certain number of days if somebody only works Monday to Thursday. It works for people working 80%, whether over four or five days. We can actually plan for every scenario we have in our agency.

Managing Director at novu

Capacity planning that syncs with other tools

Connect Float with other tools to streamline workflows and enhance data integrity across your entire ecosystem.

Google Calendar
Antire x Netsuite

4,500+ teams balance capacity with Float

Start your free 30-day trial, today (no credit card required).

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