Laura Paine
Laura has nearly a decade of experience in the third sector and project management within agencies. She's a self-professed nerd about processes, drawing her to small businesses where she can help set up operations to scale over time. She also advocates for time tracking as a means to monitor workloads.
Why should project teams care about time tracking?
Time tracking is a really effective way of tracking progress on a project. If it's done well, and everyone follows the time they've spent on a task, the PM can see if they need to adjust scope, expectations, or timelines. It's never about tracking people's breaks or micromanaging. Time tracking is a helpful tool to protect your team from overwork and increase clarity, certainty, and confidence. It helps to catch effort creep and acts as a sense check that people are not being pulled onto different projects or internal priorities without being explicitly planned.
Digital Project Manager - Louder Than Ten
DPM Master Project Status Reports