Creativity Is a Spectrum, and We're All on It

Director of Marketing
1 min read

At Float, we believe creativity is a spectrum. Whether you’re shooting the latest Superbowl ad, coding a shiny new app, or analyzing spreadsheets of data—all of these projects require us to apply both critical and creative thinking in our work.

We’re proud to have all kinds of creative teams around the world using Float. From award-winning marketing agencies, independent design studios, corporate consulting firms, and IT services, to video production companies, in-house creative services, HR recruitment agencies, accounting firms, and more!

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun."

Mary Lou Cook


We hope that using Float helps you gain some hours back in your day, so that whatever your creative field is, you can spend a little more time playing in it.


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