Best Work Life

Blog by the team at Float
We’re a fully remote team working async around the world. Learn the tools, processes, and culture that enables us to be productive and live our best work life.

Our New Async All Hands: The Float Remote Roadshow

We've created a new way to bring everyone together that aligns with us being async-first, is an effective and meaningful use of our time, and is true to our core values as a company.
Director of People and Operations

No FOMO Week: Why We're Taking an All-Team Holiday Offline

This year, we are stepping up our focus on building a best work life culture... which includes giving everyone a week to completely switch off.
Director of People and Operations

Hiring for Growth: Lessons From Startup to Scaleup

If there is one piece of advice I can give for when to hire it is this: Do the job first, and do it until you know someone else could be doing it better.
CEO & Co-Founder

One Size Does Not Fit All: Why We Choose Asynchronous Remote

One of the biggest pitfalls I see with remote work is not committing to it in culture and leadership processes. Effective remote work is built on trust and boundaries.
Former Talent Partner

How We Make the Most of Our Time by Working Async

Asynchronous communication is the default for all team members and all messages at Float. It's how we're able to manage our time effectively, to do our best work.
Former Senior Product Manager

Building Trust and Rapport as a New Manager in a Remote Async Team

Here's how I approached building trust for a team of 10+ engineers working fully remote across eight time zones.
Director of Engineering

Keeping the Trust Battery Charged in Remote Teams

When you're working fully remote and async, keeping the trust battery charged is as critical as it is challenging.
Former Customer Success Lead

How We Onboard New Team Members Remotely and Async

By the eighth week of onboarding, we see team members settled and confident enough to ask questions, make suggestions, and show their personality on Slack—a people ops dream!
Former Talent Partner

Building a Brand That Represents Your Values

Values give your brand a purpose and when you get it right, it serves as both the foundation and inspiration for your decision-making.
Director of Marketing

Why We Stopped Checking References For New Hires

When we analyzed the results of our last hires, none were impacted by a reference check. So we've started a different conversation.
CEO & Co-Founder

Best Work Life newsletter

Each quarter, our operations team shares unique insights on how we work async while building a strong and connected global remote team.

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