Plan ahead with Placeholders in Float

Placeholders in Float

Start using Placeholders to scenario plan your people and scope project work in Float.

Leave the guesswork behind! Try Placeholders for:

  • Forward-planning upcoming work: imagine you have a big tender coming up, but it doesn’t start for another six months. Why wait to plan that work? Instead, rough out your resourcing using your Placeholders. Start by adding Placeholders for the resources you’ll need. Then, schedule them, and flip the switch from tentative to confirmed when the project kicks off.
  • New hires: let’s say you’re bringing on a new employee, contractor, or freelancer. Add these people as Placeholders to begin resourcing them to projects and scoping future capacity. For example, maybe you have a few open roles on your engineering team. By adding these new hires as placeholders with tentative start dates, you can forecast your capacity for the next quarter.
  • Non-human resources: if your organization shares finite assets, get them on your Schedule and booked in with Placeholders. Say you’re a production company, and you share a 360-degree camera across multiple squads. Instead of wondering if the camera will be available for the adventure shoot on Tuesday and the runway show on Friday, schedule it as a Placeholder on the calendar so that its availability is clear for the entire team.

Use Placeholders today, included for free on all pricing tiers:

Learn how to add Placeholders and get started today.

Placeholders in Float

Start using Placeholders to scenario plan your people and scope project work in Float. Leave the guesswork behind and try Placeholders for forward-planning upcoming work, new hires, or even shared non-human resources.

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