Resources library

In-depth guides and articles about resource management, capacity planning, and scheduling with (and without!) Float.
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Creative operations: a guide to the silent work that keeps projects running smoothly

Learn what to expect in a creative ops role plus the tools and processes to handle the chaos.
Content Marketer

A simple guide to resource analysis + steps you can implement right away

Make the best and most informed decisions with resource analysis
Content Marketer

Simple and actionable resource optimization techniques to help your team do their best work

Learn real-life examples and actionable techniques to make the best use of your team’s time and skills
Content Marketer

Project organization 101: 6 tactics to keep your projects neat and tidy

Simple ways to keep your projects organized, your tasks on track, and your team aligned 🏆
Content Marketer

How to create actionable capacity planning reports that paint a clear picture of project and resource health.

Discover key metrics 📈 and tools 🛠️ for creating actionable capacity planning reports
Content Marketer

Capacity management problems, solved: tactics & tools from professional people planners

Find out all the tactics and tools you need to fix the most puzzling capacity management challenges.
Content Marketer

No more whack-a-mole: 8 steps to stop resource overallocation in its tracks

Learn how to schedule work based on your team’s true capacity and avoid overallocation.
Content Marketer

The balancing act: how to distribute work fairly in your team

Avoid underutilization and overallocation with these tips for effective workload management.‍
Content Marketer

Resource scheduling: a simple & practical 5-step process

A resource schedule clearly defines who needs to do what and when. Learn how to build one in 5 simple steps.
Managing Editor

The ultimate guide to people-centric resource management for healthy, happy teams

Resource management is a juggling act. With 20 balls. And they’re all on fire. But this guide makes it easier (we promise).
Managing Editor

Time at Work

Get exclusive tips on asyncronous work, remote, team culture, and the best tools for productivity
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